
Updated on 03.12.2024

TSA PreCheck® at the airport shortens check-in times

Faster check-in with the US Transportation Security Administration's TSA PreCheck® is now available at many US airports. We explain what TSA PreCheck® is all about.

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Bild von einem TSA PreCheck Teilnehmer

What is the TSA PreCheck®?

TSA PreCheck® makes security screening for domestic flights at participating US airports much easier for registered US travelers.

The Transportation Security Administration, or TSA for short, has created a program that shortens the check-in process at participating US airports. Travelers enrolled in the TSA PreCheck® program will still be screened, but will no longer be required to remove shoes, jackets, belts, liquids and laptops for inspection at check-in.

Individuals participating in the TSA PreCheck program have the option to use a TSA PreCheck® line, which shortens check-in to 5 minutes.

TSA PreCheck® is offered by over 90 airlines at more than 200 US airports. More than 10 million people have already opted for the PreCheck program.

Who can participate in the PreCheck program?

US citizens and US permanent residents (= Green Card holders) can apply for TSA PreCheck®. In addition, passengers in the following Trusted Traveler Programs are automatically registered for TSA PreCheck®, so there is no need to apply separately:

Bild vom Check-in an einem US-Flughafen

How do I register for TSA PreCheck®?

The registration for the TSA PreCheck® is first completed online, after which the applicant must complete an interview at a TSA PreCheck® location. The cost of the application ranges from $76.75 to $85, depending on the provider.

After submitting fingerprints and a successful background check, the TSA PreCheck® authorization is issued, which enables the respective airlines to enter the TSA PreCheck® status on the boarding pass using the TSA PreCheck Number or Known Traveler Number (KTN).

Membership is valid for five years.

Renewal can be done online or in person, with the cost of renewal varying depending on the provider (between 58.75 and 77.95 US dollars).


Find out in advance on the official website about the current opening hours of the respective TSA PreCheck® Enrollment Center. The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) also recommends that you do not carry out a "spontaneous" walk-in, but make an appointment in advance to be on the safe side.

Where is the TSA PreCheck® available?

The TSA PreCheck® is now used by more than 90 national and international airlines and implemented at more than 200 US airports.

How does the TSA PreCheck® work?

Assignment of the membership number

If you are eligible and approved for the TSA PreCheck® program, you will receive a Known Traveler Number, or KTN for short, which must be provided when making flight reservations or at check-in in order to take advantage of the benefits.

Link with boarding pass

The participating airlines print or deposit a corresponding note on your boarding pass so that you can use a preferential security check reserved for certified travelers only.

PreCheck Lanes

When you arrive at the airport, go to the special TSA PreCheck® lanes and show your (digital) boarding pass and travel document.

Advantages for families

Children aged 12 or younger can accompany you. Since May 2023, young people between the ages of 13 and 17 may also use the PreCheck lane, provided they are traveling with a parent or guardian with a valid PreCheck membership and are all booked on the same reservation.

You can have the TSA PreCheck Number or Known Traveler Number (KTN) saved in your customer profile with the airline or at a travel agency.

Difference to Global Entry

While TSA PreCheck® expedites the security process for departures within the US, Global Entry provides faster processing for international travelers entering and leaving the United States.

As mentioned, Global Entry automatically includes the benefits of TSA PreCheck®.

Overall, TSA PreCheck® offers significant time savings and increased convenience when traveling within the USA.

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Check-in by fingerprint

In recent years, the check-in process has been increasingly automated and made more secure for all travelers to the USA.

Following a successful test run in June 2017, the US Transportation Security Administration is now using fingerprint scanners for security checks at American airports in order to verify the identity of passengers even more accurately.

Bild von einem gescannten Fingerabdruck
Fingerprints are used to compare the identity of US travelers and flight data. As soon as the device has recognized the passenger's fingerprint, it can access the passenger information and boarding pass and compare the data, according to the TSA.


Updated on 03.12.2024