
Updated on 17.07.2023

Visa question of the month - Is the visa fee refundable?

Your question: I have arranged a consular appointment for our employee and paid the visa fee. Now the employee is not due to travel to the USA until later. Will the visa fee be refunded?

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Häufig gestellte US-Visumfragen

Your question

I made an appointment at the US consulate for our employee who was due to fly to our site in the United States in a few weeks' time and transferred the visa fee. Now the employee is to be deployed in the USA at a later date. Will the visa fee be refunded in this case?

Our answer

The consular visa fee is neither refundable nor transferable (e.g. to other visa applicants).

If the plans for your employee have changed, the visa fee is valid for twelve months from the date of payment. You can use the visa fee to apply for a visa for your employee at a later date, provided this is done before the twelve months have expired.

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Updated on 17.07.2023