
The Social Security Card (SSC) is one of the most important documents used in the U.S. to identify individuals for Social Security purposes. In addition, the Social Security card is often used as a proof of identity needed in contact with authorities, employers, banks, insurance companies, etc. We will gladly help you with the application for the Social Security Number.

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What is a Social Security Card?

The Social Security Card (SSC) is the identification document on which the social security number is located. It is issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) issued and is similar in shape and size to a credit card.

The Social Security Card does not have the cardholder's photo on it, nor does it have personal information such as date of birth. Therefore, the Social Security Card does not serve as a substitute for primary proof of identity – such as an ID card or passport – everywhere.

Although the Social Security Card contains the notation of whether or not its holder may take a job in the U.S., the card itself is not a work permit.

Bild von der Social Security Card in den USA
There are three different categories of Social Security Card:

1st category

For whom: US citizens and aliens permanently residing in the US

Work Permit: Unrestricted work permit

2nd category

For whom: Temporary resident aliens in the US

Work Permit: Temporary work permit, endorsement: "Valid for work only with DHS (Department of Homeland Security) Authorization".

3rd category

For whom: Mainly for "welfare" applicants, for example: socially vulnerable families or physically or mentally disabled persons.

Work Permit: No work permit, note: "Not valid for Employment"


What is the Social Security Number?

The social security number (SSN) is primarily used to notify US authorities of the holder's salary so that individual social benefits can be calculated, to which the person is entitled. The registration for tax is also made via the social security number.

In addition, a wide range of business transactions processed in the USA with the help of the social security number. These are, for example:

  • Taking up a job
  • The registration of a phone
  • The current registration
  • Opening a bank account

This social security number consists of 9 digits (XXX-YY-ZZZZ) and is assigned only once per person, i.e. each person has the same number throughout his or her life.

Who needs a Social Security Number?

The following groups of persons receive a social security number in the USA:

Generally, most US citizens over the age of 12 already have a social security number and therefore do not need to reapply for it at a later date.

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Application for the Social Security Card

The application process for a social security number is as follows:

  1. First, the application form SS-5 must be filled out (Application for a Social Security Card).
  2. Depending on the nationality and category of the card to be applied for, different proofs must be submitted in original and a certified copy. Normally, these include:
    1. Proof to the age, e.g. birth certificate (translated or international) or other official document showing the date of birth.
    2. Proof to the identity, e.g. passport
    3. Evidence to the (non)immigration status incl. the work permit
    4. Proof to the parents identity if an application is made for a child under 18 years of age
  3. The application is then submitted in person with the required evidence to a responsible social security office submitted. In most cases, an appointment must be made in advance.


  • Children younger than 12 do not have to appear in person to apply.
  • Those who already had a Social Security Number through a previous visa and now only need a new card can also apply by mail. However, all original documents must also be submitted as proof (by mail).

Where can I apply for a Social Security Number?

The Social Security Number must be registered in a branch of the Social Security Administration (SSA) be applied for. This application must be made within the U.S. for non-immigrant visa applicants. You can find a location near you by entering your zip code on the site of the social security office locator.

Applicants for immigrant visas, the so-called Green Cards, can also apply for a Social Security Card outside the United States after it has been approved. In Germany, for example, the US consulate in Frankfurt am Main a branch of the SSA in which the application is possible.

Our Social Security Service

We will be happy to advise and assist you in applying for a social security card. We can help you in the following areas, among others:

  • First, we check whether the legal requirements of a social security number are met.
  • We will prepare the SS-5 application form for you.
  • You will receive individualized information materials and checklists to help you compile the required application documents.
  • We provide assistance in compiling the application documentation.
  • We also review and check the application documents with regard to the legal requirements.
  • We will assist you in submitting your Social Security application to USCIS, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Contact us for a personal consultation

Loss of Social Security Card

If you have lost or had your social security card stolen, you can request a new one through the aforementioned application process.

It is better not to have the social security card with you, but to keep it in a safe place, as it is a very important document and considerable damage can occur if it falls into the wrong hands.

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