
The B-1 in lieu of H-3 visa is a subcategory of the B-1 visas specifically for foreign persons who are in the US on an in-house training or education program participate. Below we present the specifics of the B-1 in lieu of H-3 category.

What is the B-1 in lieu of H-3 visa?

The B-1 in lieu of H-3 visa represents a mixture from B-1 "Temporary Business Visitor" and H-3 "Nonimmigrant Trainee or Special Education Exchange Visitor".

This hybrid category is always eligible when H-3 applicants areunder certain circumstancesare more likely to be classified as B-1 applicants. The basic requirement is that the person goes to a U.S. location for in-house training or continuing education. Classically, these are "regular" employees who travel to the U.S. location for in-house training purposes for a maximum stay of 180 days.

In addition, all entry criteria for the B category must be met (no payment from the United States, etc.).

Generally, the words "B-1 in lieu of H, per 9 FAM 402.2-5(F)" are included in the annotation field of the visa to make the category clear.

Requirements for a B-1 in lieu of H-3 visa

A foreign individual may qualify for a B-1 of H-3 visa if all the following H-3 entrance requirements are met:

  1. The training sought in the US is not offered in the applicant's home country.
  2. The applicant is not engaged in regular employment and therefore is not replacing the labor of an American or Green Card holder employed with unlimited residency.
  3. The applicant is not engaged in productive workunless it is an activity related and necessary to the training.
  4. The training program helps the foreign applicant advance his or her career outside the United States.

In addition, the conditions for obtaining a B-1 visa must be met. The applicant

  • may not be paid from the US,
  • must be able to prove intentions to return
  • have sufficient financial resources available, etc.

It is important to know that the training measures will not be recognized by the US consulate / US embassy if they are too general and not targeted enough and do not follow a fixed schedule. The field of activity in the company is also a decisive factor: the areas of responsibility in the United States must have something in common with the previous activity and must also be useful outside the United States. In no case should the goal be to recruit the foreign personnel in the US company following the training.


Applicants should be able to demonstrate very conclusively that the planned stay in the USA is of a temporary nature, that the training is limited in time and that the applicant intends to return to his/her home country after completing the training, especially in the case of longer training courses lasting several months.

Whether a B-1 in lieu of H-3 visa for in-house training in the US will be approved by the US consular officer depends on the individual case. Due to the special nature of this category, it is advisable to consult a designated visa specialist. The boundaries in the area of training visas are often fluid.

In particular, you need to check whether a J-1 visa (trainee / intern) is the more suitable category or whether you need to apply for a regular H-3 visa. We will be happy to assist you in determining which visa is the right one in your personal case.

We advise you comprehensively on your visa options for the USA Get in touch with our experts now!