
The Form DS-7002 (Training / Internship Placement Plan) is a central document for interns and trainees, which is required to apply for a J-1 visa.

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What is the DS-7002?

Form DS-7002 is the so-called training plan or internship plan. The form therefore also bears the official name Training / Internship Placement Plan.

The training or internship plan must be approved by the

  • supervisor
  • interns or trainees
  • and the J-1 sponsor

and be signed digitally. It is only after subsequent review and approval by the J-1 sponsor that the DS-2019 form can be issued, and this form is mandatory in order to apply for a J-1 visa at a US consulate.

Attention: Interns or trainees must present the signed DS-7002 to the consulate at the visa interview and to the host company in the US.

Bild von J-1 Austauschschüler:innen

The DS-7002 is of central importance in the context of the application for a J-1 visa of the two categories Internal or Trainee. The form currently consists of 5 pages:

  • 1. PAGE
    The first page contains information about the trainee/intern and the US host company. In addition, trainees or interns must sign a declaration on this page. This confirms that during the exchange program the rights and obligations of a J-1 visa holder will be fulfilled and that correct information has been provided on the form.

  • 2. PAGE
    On the second page, the host company in the US certifies that it is aware of the contents of the completed DS-7002 and is in compliance with the regulations.

  • 3. AND 4. PAGE
    This is where the phases, i.e. the chronological sequence of the internship or training, are documented in detail. The DS-7002 form thus contains detailed and clear information about the internship or training.

  • PAGE 5
    On the last page, the supervisor confirms that he/she has read and understood the DS-7002 and is fulfilling his/her rights and obligations according to the DS-7002 guidelines. Please note that multiple contact persons or supervisors can be entered who are responsible for different areas of the internship/training.

The information in the electronic DS-7002 is transferred to the SEVIS database for easy viewing and review by the appropriate U.S. agencies or U.S. consulates.
Particularly in consular processing, U.S. consular officers can view all of the information provided in DS-7002 in the SEVIS system and review it during each consular visa interview. Accordingly, diligence is required for host companies, visa sponsors, and visa applicants when preparing documentation.

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Who must complete the DS-7002?

The US host company is responsible for preparing the detailed Training / Internship Placement Plan. It is imperative that the DS-7002 be filled out completely and correctly. Often, J-1 visa sponsors have online platforms where Training / Internship Plans are first created by the US host company and then transferred by the sponsor to the designated document.

DS-7002 Completion Instructions:

1. Personal data

Make sure that the first and last name (Name, Family Name) are entered in the correct fields.

2. phases

The length of the phases is normally dependent on the J-1 Visa Sponsor. In the case of a longer internship/training, it may be necessary to create several internship/training phases:

Until 6 months | depending on sponsor 1st phase or 1st + 2nd phase | 1st + 2nd phase

7-12 months | depending on sponsor 2nd phase or 3rd phase + more | 3rd + 4th phase

13-18 months | - | 5th + 6th phase

Tip: Duplicate the third and fourth pages of the DS-7002 form to display multiple phases.

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  1. First contact: We clarify which visa or which visa types are applicable in your case.
  2. Worldwide support: We will assist you with your request, no matter where you are located.
  3. Assignment: We send your HR department and the respective employees all the necessary documents and checklists.
  4. Visa processing: We take care of checking, correcting and compiling the application documents.
  5. Visa Interview Preparation: We will disburse the visa application fee for you and arrange the visa interview appointment. In addition, each applicant will be prepared by telephone for the formalities and procedures at the US Consulate.
  6. Visa issuance: We check your visa for accuracy and prepare your employees for entry into the USA by telephone.
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